
We are located in beautiful Glendale, CA!

1505 Wilson Terrace, Suite 240
Glendale, CA 91206

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We are located in the Physician's Terrace Building, next to Glendale Adventist Hospital in Glendale, California. 1505 Wilson Terrace, Suite 240.

WESTBOUND | Foothill (210) Freeway. Take the Foothill Fwy (210) to the 134 Fwy and exit on Harvey Drive. Turn right at the signal and proceed to Wilson Terrace. Turn left and follow signs to parking.

SOUTHBOUND | Golden State (5) Freeway. Take the Golden State Fwy (5) South to the 134 Fwy towards Glendale. Exit on Harvey Drive and turn left to Wilson Terrace. Turn left and follow signs to parking.

SOUTHBOUND | Glendale (2) Freeway. Take the Glendale Fwy (2) South to the Holly Drive exit and turn right. Turn left on Harvey Drive and proceed to Wilson Terrace. Turn right and follow signs to parking.

EASTBOUND | 134 Freeway. Take the Ventura Fwy (101) to the 134 Fwy towards Glendale. Exit on Harvey Drive and turn left, proceed to Wilson Terrace. Turn left and follow signs to parking.

NORTHBOUND | Glendale (2) Freeway. Take the Glendale Fwy (2) North to Holly Drive exit and turn left. Turn left at Harvey Drive and proceed to Wilson Terrace. Turn right and follow signs to parking.

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